I have wanted to help other people since I was a young child. As a little girl, I had a crossed eye (strabismus) and hydrocephalus, which led to severe headaches and difficulty participating in sports. I was frequently bullied and left out. In my heart, I was determined to offer compassion and caring to others who needed it. Following eye surgery as a child (to correct the strabismus) and brain surgery as a young adult (to correct the hydrocephalus), I became increasingly interested in the functions, processes, and pathogenic patterns which can develop within the brain/mind due to traumatic experiences, as well as the incredible neuroplasticity of the brain and the capacity of the brain, mind, and body to heal and change.
My work is particularly informed by attachment theory, which posits that our earliest experiences with our parents and other caregivers profoundly shape our relationship patterns throughout life. I am also influenced by neuroscience and somatic focusing, which emphasize the importance of neural development, emotional processing (through the limbic system) and brain plasticity, as well as the validity of bodily sensations and responses as part of our felt experience. I am especially guided by the practice of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), and have had the opportunity to train with Diana Fosha, David Mars, and Karen Pando-Mars through the AEDP Institute.